
Artificial Insemination
We offer vaginal canine artificial insemination when requested by our clients.
Semen can be collected from the stud in house.
Successful artificial insemination is dependent upon the health and fertility of the bitch, the quality of the freshly ejaculated semen, the experience of the person performing the collection and insemination, the timing of the insemination with respect to the bitch’s cycle and the number of inseminations performed.
Progesterone assays are ideally performed to determine the best day for insemination to begin. Testing usually commences 5 days after the onset of heat (first observable sign) and then every second or third day until ovulation occurs.
With the vital information provided by in house pathology, insemination can be optimally timed according to the bitch’s reproductive cycle. This improves the chances of achieving a positive pregnancy with artificial insemination.
Pregnancy Management
Pregnancy can be confirmed by ultrasound examination at day 28 post mating. We also recommend that bitches are examined and radiographed at 45 days of gestation in order to help determine the number of foetus’s present.
Post Whelping Check
Post whelping it is important to have the bitch and her litter examined by a veterinarian to ensure that all foetuses and their placentas have been delivered and that the bitch and her pups are healthy.
For more information about our reproduction services, get in touch our team at Ballarat Veterinary Practice.
Pet Emergency?
If you have an AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY between the hours of 6pm and 8am please call
Companion Animal Emergency Number