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When your pet is unwell, our experienced and dedicated team of veterinarians will do everything possible to make an accurate diagnosis and commence a targeted treatment protocol to restore them to good health wherever possible.
With an extensive in-house pathology services, most diagnostic tests can be conducted on site in a timely fashion. Excellent imaging facilities with the latest ultrasound and digital radiography (x-ray) equipment, further sharpens our diagnostic capabilities.
Our practice has a strong culture of continuing education which not only keeps our team abreast of the latest, best-practice in veterinary medicine it also ensures that we have an excellent relationship with some of Australia’s top specialists. When your pet is unwell, we will work with you to ensure that your pet receives the very best veterinary care possible.
Should your pet require hospitalisation, our highly trained nursing team will ensure that your pet receives excellent nursing care during their stay. Our nursing staff are renowned for their dedication to their role of helping to provide medical care to our hospitalised patients. Just as importantly they are equally dedicated to the emotional wellbeing and care of the patients that require a stay in hospital.
It is never easy when our pets are unwell. However, with compassionate and personalised veterinary and nursing care your pet’s road to recovery will be supported by the expertise of our entire team.
Radioactive Iodine Treatment of Hyperthyroidism in Cats
Hyperthyroidism is a relatively common problem seen typically in middle-aged cats. It usually caused by a benign, thyroid hormone secreting tumour.
Excessive circulating thyroid hormone leads to a multisystemic disorder as reflected by the wide range of actions normally regulated by thyroid hormones.
Typically, the disease is characterised by weight loss in the face of a normal or increased appetite, hyperactivity, and an elevated heart rate and a palpably enlarged thyroid (goitre). However, given that almost any body system can be affected by hyperthyroidism, a wide variety of possible clinical signs that can be associated with this condition.
Spontaneous remission of hyperthyroidism does not occur. Treatment is aimed at removing or destroying the abnormal thyroid tissue. Medical management is aimed at interfering with the synthesis and release of thyroid hormone or reducing thyroid hormone influence on peripheral tissues.
Radioactive iodine is recognised as the treatment of choice for feline hyperthyroidism and it is widely acknowledged as the safest, simplest and most effective treatment for this condition. Up to 90% of hyperthyroid cats treated with radioactive iodine will experience remission. The radioactive iodine selectively destroys the thyroid hormone secreting tumour.
Before undergoing radioactive iodine treatment our veterinarians will conduct a thorough physical examination and blood tests to ensure that this treatment is suitable for your cat.
The Ballarat Veterinary Practice is one of the few places in central Victoria that is licenced, experienced and equipped to treat hyperthyroid cats with radioactive iodine.
For further information please call our Clinic on 5331 1533.
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